Conversations on Art & Technology

Maurizio Bolognini

postmedia books 2012
testo in inglese
126 pp.
-- 40 illustrazioni
isbn 9788874900749

s 14,00

acquista online

My machines do not know whether they want to be considered art. All they know is that they want to function without interruption, and they are not bothered about where this happens. Usually they produce tangles of lines that can stream out mile upon mile before your eyes. ... The book brings together some conversations about art and the new technologies, conducted between 2004 and 2011. Some are published here for the first time, others have already been published, though not in English. In the main section there are conversations with curators and art historians (such as Simonetta Lux, Domenico Scudero, Terri C. Smith and Sandra Solimano) about my work as an artist, and also included are extracts from critical essays and documentation relative to some of my installations. Another section of the book is comprised of some conversations that are not about my work, but which offer a broader perspective on the relationship between art and technology; involved in these other conversations are several leading players in the fields of research and experimentation, namely, Roy Ascott, Mario Costa, Eduardo Kac, Richard Stallman and Gerfried Stocker.

Maurizio Bolognini is a visual artist and theorist. His installations explore the implications of new media technologies starting from the minimal and abstract activation of processes that are beyond the artist's control, at the intersection of generative art, public art and e-democracy. Since 2000 he has concentrated on combining programming and communication devices, as in the Collective Intelligence Machines series: interactive installations connecting his Programmed Machines to the mobile telephone network, to allow interaction by members of the public. Bolognini's work has been exhibited internationally and he wrote many publications.

Machines raccoglie alcune conversazioni in lingua inglese sull'arte e le nuove tecnologie, condotte tra il 2004 e il 2011, con storici dell'arte, teorici e artisti. Attraverso un confronto a pių voci il libro consente di osservare l'arte neo-tecnologica dall'interno, individuando nell'area vasta e disomogenea della new media art un nucleo riconducibile all'estetica della macchina e all'arte concettuale. Tra le tematiche affrontate: nuovi media e arte concettuale analogico e digitale nella ricerca artistica estetica dei media, arte telematica e bioarte, software e democrazia, new media art e sistema dell'arte.

Maurizio Bolognini, artista e ricercatore. Le sue installazioni esplorano le implicazioni dei nuovi media attraverso l'attivazione minima e astratta di processi tecnologici fuori controllo, all'incrocio tra arte generativa, arte pubblica e democrazia elettronica. Il suo lavoro č stato esposto in diversi musei e istituzioni internazionali. E' autore di molte pubblicazioni, tra cui Democrazia elettronica (Carocci, Roma 2001) e Postdigitale (Carocci, Roma 2008).



postmedia books